Effecting Change in an Organization
From Federal Burro of Information
(Redirected from Dimensions of Change)
I am often tasked with building some systems that make a change in the way an organization does stuff.
and we hit a problem everytime... the systems and computers and network can do it , it's a simple change from that perspective, but the _people_ aren't ready to change.
Vision | Skills | Incentive | Resources | Action Plan | Collegiality | Success |
⃠ | Skills | Incentive | Resources | Action Plan | Collegiality | Confusion |
Vision | ⃠ | Incentive | Resources | Action Plan | Collegiality | Anxiety |
Vision | Skills | ⃠ | Resources | Action Plan | Collegiality | Resistance |
Vision | Skills | Incentive | ⃠ | Action Plan | Collegiality | Frustration |
Vision | Skills | Incentive | Resources | ⃠ | Collegiality | False Starts |
Vision | Skills | Incentive | Resources | Action Plan | ⃠ | Isolation |
source: "Restructuring for Caring and Effective Education: Piecing the Puzzle Together" Richard A. Villa, Jacqueline S. Thousand ISBN-13 : 978-1557663863 Google Books