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10. I Have to go pee.... Read it to Damon many times when he was in his isolate
10. I Have to go pee.... Read it to Damon many times when he was in his isolate
j beer:
1. Beneath a Scarlet Sky. Historical fiction but based on a lot of actually happened in WWII in Milan and Como. Not high literature but entertaining
2. Stranger in the Woods. Non fiction about the hermit who lived in the Maine woods for 27 years with no human contact. Krakauer-esque
3. Darkest Hour. Churchill one in the Theatres now with Gary Oldman
4. One of my all time favourites, Awake at Work. Holy-just read it. All about more clearly reading complex people and ego stuff at work. I heavily marked this one up

Rick Ross:
Rick Ross:

Revision as of 04:23, 23 February 2018

Scalar leadership reading list:

  • PK: The Hard Things About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
  • Glenn: From Good to Great by Scott Brouwer
  • Aoife: Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
  • Jason Bork: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein
a new kind of science - wolfram

from Scalar's "art of leadership" slack chan: What book do you give as a gift:

  • Getting Things Done (David Allen)
  • Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! (Richard Feynman)
  • The Dancing Wu-Li Masters (Gary Zukav,)


Joe D.

1) The Black Company - Glen Cook (the entire series)
2) At the Mountains of Madness - H.P. Lovecraft 
3) Case of Charles Dexter Ward - H.P. Lovecraft 
4) Oh the Places You'll Go - Dr. Seuss 
5) Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang - Mordecai Richler 
6) The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien 
7) The Holy Bible, New International Version 
8) Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
9) Gord the Rogue - E. Gary Gygax 
10) The Heir Apparent Series - Joel Rosenberg 


The Lion's Paw - Robb White
Asterix the Gaul - René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo (and all Asterix books!)
The Secret of Skeleton Island - Robert Arthur (and all the Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators books!)
Dr. No - Ian Fleming
Secrets Origins of the Super DC Heroes - various
The Silence of the Lambs - Thomas Harris
Science Fiction Tales; Invaders, Creatures and Alien Worlds - edited by Roger Elwood
A Midsummer Night's Dream - William Shakespeare
A Wrinkle in Time - Madeleine L'Engle
The Day of the Triffids - John Wyndham

Sandi J.

1. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress - Robert A Heinlein
2. I Will Fear No Evil - Robert A Heinlein
3. The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
4. Inside of a Dog - Alexandra Horowitz
5. Mindless Eating - Brian Wansink
6. Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
7. Callahan's Crosstime Saloon - Spider Robinson
8. Lamb - Christopher Moore
9. Hackers and Painters - Paul Graham
10. Freakonomics - Levitt & Dubner


1. One Second After by William Forstchen
2. A Place So Foreign by Cory Doctorow (because it has a story with 151 Front in it)
3. The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty Anne Rice/ A.N. Roquelaure 
4. Alas, Babylon by Pat Frank
5. New Wilderness by Brian Matthews
6. Anything Narnia by C.S. Lewis
7. Wikinomics by Don Tapscott
8. The Four Hour Body by Tim Ferriss
9. The Long Emergency by James Howard Kunstler
10. The Book of Answers by Carol Bolt

Kelly F.

1. Green eggs and Ham, the first book I ever remember reading
2. Oh, the places you will go. Best book ever!
3. Tuesday with Morie. Ball every time I read it
4. Silence of the Lambs
5. Hannibal
6. Red Dragon.... Yes there is a theme
7. Have a little faith... My favorite quote is from this book
8. She's Come Undone
9. Macbeth... Technically a play but I did read it
10. I Have to go pee.... Read it to Damon many times when he was in his isolate

j beer:

1. Beneath a Scarlet Sky. Historical fiction but based on a lot of actually happened in WWII in Milan and Como. Not high literature but entertaining

2. Stranger in the Woods. Non fiction about the hermit who lived in the Maine woods for 27 years with no human contact. Krakauer-esque

3. Darkest Hour. Churchill one in the Theatres now with Gary Oldman

4. One of my all time favourites, Awake at Work. Holy-just read it. All about more clearly reading complex people and ego stuff at work. I heavily marked this one up

Rick Ross:

  • As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
  • Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • The Richest Man in Babylon by Og Mandino.

Further Study:

from: Michael Pollan ( the guy who did Netflix's "Cooked" )

  • the omnivores dilema
  • the botany of desire
  • Medicine Walk or Indian Horse both by Richard Wagamese. from S. Hinds - 2016


My Personal Choices

History / Science

  • Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T.E. Laurence
  • Little America: The War Within the War for Afghanistan Book by Rajiv Chandrasekaran
  • Orientalism - by Edward W. Said - This is a heavy book , not for the faint of acemdemia.
  • Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World – by Margaret MacMillan (Author), Richard Holbrooke (Author)
  • Guns, Germs, and Steel - by Jared Diamond - Attempts to answer the question why did europe do all the conquering.


  • Dune

By author

  • Ursula K. LaGuin
  • Arthur C. Clarke
  • Herbert
    • Dune and the rest.
    • He wrote tuns of other great stuff.
  • Heinline

also see