Electronics Shopping List
David (talk) 21:49, 15 February 2014 (EST)
TMP36FS - temp sensors for beaglebone - http://www.alldatasheet.com/datasheet-pdf/pdf/49117/AD/TMP36FS.html
DS18B20 - one wire temp sensors for beagle bone -
instructions: http://hipstercircuits.com/dallas-one-wire-temperature-reading-on-beaglebone-black-with-dto/
datasheeet: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/DS18B20-PAR%2BT%26R/DS18B20-PAR%2BT%26RCT-ND/3877654
panasonic 1381G voltage trigger
TI TL331KDBVR http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/TL331KDBVR/296-23863-1-ND/1965246
Panasonic - MN1380
Panasonic - MN1381J ( TO-92 ) http://beamagination.solarbotics.net/1381Replacements.php
UPDATE David (talk) 12:31, 27 February 2014 (EST)
SAYAL: total fail.
1. they won't pick a part unless it's at least 15$ in value.
2. they had none of the parts I wanted.
3. They had no inclination to help with alternatives, or options X123CP or X123IP. I was left surfing to figure it out on my BB (I'd say smart phone but it's more like a mentally challenged phone.)