Guidelines for Managed Public Cloud Solutions
From Federal Burro of Information
Some work notes:
- Use Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Xenial Xerus
- use Landscape for patch management on all linux instances – Talk to CloudOps for Agent Key.
- Use windows XXXX
- Use labtech for patch management on windows instances. - Talk to CloudOps for details.
- Use Datadog for monitoring - talk to CloudOps for API keys
- All client built as much as possible with IAS (Infrastructure as Code), this includes most IaaS components.
- All code stored in Bit Bucket repo – Talk to CloudOps for access to the bitbucket team.
- All repos populated with reasonable
- Try to include a diagram.
- Use Terraform ( )
- Use Pass ( )
- Use the “snapshots” terraform module, at least, to protect against data loss. Possibly upgrade to “proper backup”
- Ensure that a Statement about opting in or out of Anti Virus has been included in the Design.
- Copy all community AMIs to client specific clones. This is so that if the community release goes away a client can still be (re)built.
- Use cloud-init where possible
- Use ansible where possible to automate builds.
- Use a least privilege approach in all things.
- Do not run services as root
- Do not use stars "*" in IAM policies.
- Do not use stars "*" in Network access control rule.
- Deploy to us-east-1 unless otherwise required. Outline those requirements in the documentation.
- VPC Peer client VPC with scalar-ms-tools VPC for admin access.
- If you can't use VPC peering then use a vpn between scalar-ms-tool vpc and the client build environment.
- No not use "any any" rules for administrative access.
- Hardening - TBD - a goodstart would be just the ansible hardening that Alan Lok spliced into Tiff. It's easy, non-intrusive, and gets us off the ground. We can iterate over this.
- Use aws-logs to get system logs in to cloudwatch.
- Usernames should be valid email addresses ( se we can email when expireing )
- "Standing Army" windows instance get 100GB C: Drives by default.
- Use AWS Route 53 healthchecks for public properties on AWS (