Interview questions
From Federal Burro of Information
for IT professional job
- how big is the team now.
- how bg do you need it to be now, and in 6 month , 2 years , what is the visions , what does the pipeline look like.
- what is the composition of the team level 1 2 3 , technology spread : OS / platform / infrastructure vs app vs OSS
- what does the management structure look like.
- how often are people trained.
- what is the individual training budget quarter. Do you have to sign anything that says you will stay if the company spends money on training on you?
- what does the PMO office look like.
The farm:
- number of clients
- number of enviroments
- number of service
- number of devices
- number of data centres
- number of cabinets
- agregate storage.
- virtual to physical spread
- OS spread
- Private versus public spread.
- What do you use for version control?
- inventory management: uCMDB? IPs Hardware software license contract
- do you use a tool to manage all that?
- centralized authentication? Redundancy?
- what sort of DNS / registration services do you have?
- storage infrastrcuture?
- FC
- Netapp / other? Off site storage? replication?
- is incident management seperate from problem management?
- what does incident management look like?
- dedicate incident managers?
- is there a Traige group?
- automated escalation?
- what tool do you use?
- how much dev resources do you allocate to the incident management systems?
- how do you ensure that ticket are properly populated? what is your coverage?
- what does the reporting look like for incident and problem management? by severity? by client? by staff memeber ? by technology?
- change control
- service desk?
- number and types of firewalls
- do you use IPS / IDS?
- What is the patching policy and how close do you get to the policy ? How do you measure variance?
- do you used centralized identify management: AAA , Clients? Staff?
- what does your incident reposne process look like? Can you show me a log if incidents?
- what does the deal development process look like? what does Vetting and sign off look like?
- what does the on call rotation look like now? number of people , how long are the cycles, what are the escalation levels.
- Is there a project manager for each product? Or for a suite? Is there a technical product manager?
- what is base salary?
- what does the Over time and on call schedule look like? minimum call , week day versus weekend / holiday?
- what does the bonus plan look like?
- can I get a copy of the benifits package?
- how much vacation and how do you get more vacation as you stay longer?