Check netapp snapmirror
From Federal Burro of Information
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; #use lib qw( /usr/local/nagios/libexec ); #use utils qw( %ERRORS $TIMEOUT &print_revision &support &usage ); use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Long; use Data::Dumper; use Pod::Usage; use POSIX; use Switch; my $timeout = 1; my $debug = 1; my $verbose = 0; my $man = 0; my $help = 0; my $comm = ''; my $host = ''; my $Src = ''; # Mirror Source - Not used at this time my $Dst = ''; # Mirror Destination my $warn = ''; # amount of time afterwhich to warn 1m 2h 3d 2w my $crit = ''; # amount of time afterwhich to critical 1m 2h 3d 2w my $warnt ; # warn in seconds my $critt ; # critical in seconds my $data ; # contails a two dimaentinoal hashref for mirrors and variables. my $foundindex = '' ; # the index of the Destination we supplied in the command line. my $snapmirrorStatusTable = "."; my $snapmirrorIndex = "."; my $snapmirrorSrc = "."; my $snapmirrorDst = "."; my $snapmirrorStatus = "."; my $snapmirrorState = "."; my $snapmirrorLag = "."; sub h2tick ($){ my $string = shift; if ( $string =~ /(\d+)(\D+)/ ) { my $value = $1; my $units = $2; if ( $units eq "s" ) { return $value ; } if ( $units eq "m" ) { return $value * 60 ; } if ( $units eq "h" ) { return $value * 60 * 60 ; } if ( $units eq "d" ) { return $value * 60 * 60 * 24 ; } if ( $units eq "w" ) { return $value * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ; } die "Bad unit value arg $string : $value $units"; } elsif ( $string =~ /(\d+)/ ) { return $string; } } print "2 hours " .h2tick("2h")."\n"; print "2 days " .h2tick("2d")."\n"; print "2 minutes ".h2tick("2m")."\n"; print "2 week " .h2tick("2w")."\n"; my $result = GetOptions ( "comm=s" => \$comm, "H=s" => \$host, "Dst=s" => \$Dst, "w=s" => \$warn, "c=s" => \$crit, 'help|?' => \$help, man => \$man, 'v' => \$verbose) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; if ( $comm eq '' ) { die "community string not set\n"; } if ( $host eq '' ) { die "host not set\n"; } #if ( $Src eq '' ) { die "Src not set\n"; } if ( $Dst eq '' ) { die "Dst not set\n"; } if ( $warn eq '' ) { die "warn not set\n"; } if ( $crit eq '' ) { die "critical not set\n"; } $critt = h2tick($crit); print "Critt $critt\n"; $warnt = h2tick($warn); print "Warn $warnt\n"; if ( $verbose ) { print "Community string is $comm\n"; print "Host is $host\n"; # print "Src is $Src\n"; print "Dst is $Dst\n"; print "warn is $warn\n"; print "Critical is $crit\n"; print "Verbose is $verbose\n"; } my ($session, $errstr) = Net::SNMP -> session( -hostname => $host , -community => $comm, -timeout => $timeout, -version => 2, -translate => [ -timeticks => 0x0 ] ); die("Could not create SNMP session: $errstr\n") unless($session); $session->translate(Net::SNMP->TRANSLATE_NONE); $verbose && print "Session created ok, Fetching Destiantion list\n"; $result = $session->get_entries( -columns => [ $snapmirrorIndex, $snapmirrorSrc, $snapmirrorDst, $snapmirrorStatus, $snapmirrorState, $snapmirrorLag ],); if ( not defined($result) ) { print "UNKNOWN: Failed to get snapmirrorStatusTable $snapmirrorStatusTable ".$session->error()."\n"; exit(3); # UNKNOWN } foreach my $key (keys (%$result)) { if ( $key =~ /$snapmirrorStatusTable\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ ) { my $var = $1; my $index = $2; if ( ($var ne "" ) && ( $index ne "" ) ) { $data->{$index}->{$var} = $result->{$key}; if ( $key =~ /$snapmirrorDst\.(\d+)/ ) { if ( $Dst eq $result->{$key} ) { $foundindex = $1; } } } else { print "OH NO!!!!\n"; } } } print Dumper($data); print "The one we want\n"; print Dumper ( $data->{$foundindex}); #print "Found :".($data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100)."\n"; #print "Crit: ".$crit. " ( ". h2tick($crit).")\n"; #print "Warn: ".$warn. " ( ". h2tick($warn).")\n"; if ( $foundindex =~ /\d+/ ) { if ( $data->{$foundindex}->{'6'} > h2tick($crit) ) { # print "CRIT: ".$Dst." Lag too high ".($data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100)." Seconds|'lag'=".$data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100.":".h2tick($warn).":".h2tick($crit)."\n"; print "CRIT: ".$Dst." Lag too high ".($data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100)."\n"; exit(2); # CRITICAL } if ( $data->{$foundindex}->{'6'} > h2tick($warn) ) { # print "WARN: ".$Dst." Lag too high ".($data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100)." Seconds|'lag'=".$data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100.":".h2tick($warn).":".h2tick($crit)."\n"; print "WARN: ".$Dst." Lag too high ".($data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100)." Seconds|'lag'="; exit(1); # WARN } #print "OK: ".$Dst." ". Lag is Ok ".($data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100)." Seconds|'lag'=".$data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100.":".h2tick($warn).":".h2tick($crit)."\n"; print "OK: ".$Dst." Lag is Ok ".($data->{$foundindex}->{'6'}/100)." Seconds\n"; exit(0); #OK } else { print "CRIT: Could not find Dst $Dst\n"; exit(2); # CRITICAL } __END__ =head1 NAME =head1 SYNOPSIS -comm <string> -H <host> -Dst <.1.1.1> -oid2 <.1.1.2> -w 80 -c 90 =head1 OPTIONS =over 8 =item B<-comm> The community string =item B<-H> The host to connect to. =item B<-Dst> The Destination volume =item B<-w> The warn threshold, a percent =item B<-c> The critical threshold, a precent =item B<-man> Prints the manual page and exits. =item B<-help> I need somebody, not just anybody, help me , please. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION B<This program> will read the given options , collect that data and do something useful, I swear. =cut