Beaglebone black
From Federal Burro of Information
#! usr/bin/python import time def sig_cel(sig): return (sig-500)/10 def cel_far(cel): return (cel*9.0/5.0) +32 try: while True: sig = file('/sys/devices/ocp.2/helper.14/AIN1','r').read() mV = int(sig) C_Temp = sig_cel(mV) F_Temp = cel_far(C_Temp) print 'Millivolts: %d Celsius: %.2f Farenheit: %.2f' % (mV,C_Temp,F_Temp) time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: sig.close()
Doing analog pins
reading the analog ports: convert to temp
doing dallas one wire:
lists of resources: