AppZero Application Owner Questionaire
Provided for partner/customer use. Feel free to modify or use as is necessary
OS & Application - Please expand all acronyms and provide as much information as possible
1. Please specify the Hostname, IP Address, OS version and bitness (32bit or 64bit) of the 'source' server.
2. Was the Source Server upgraded in place from an earlier OS (e.g. 2000 to 2003)? Please provide details.
3. Please specify the name and contact info for the source ‘Server Owner/Administrator' that we will be working with during the migration.
4. Please specify the Hostname, IP Address, OS version and bitness (64bit) of the 'destination' server.
5. Please specify the name and contact info for the destination 'Server Owner/Administrator' that we will be working with during the migration.
6. Please specify the partition structure of the 'source' server (e.g. server has the following local drive assignments C:, D:, M:, N:)
7. Is the source application/server part of a domain (if so please provide the 'Fully Qualified Domain Name'?
8. Is the destination application/server part of a domain (if the domain membership differs from the source, please provide the 'Fully Qualified Domain Name'?
9. Please specify the 'name', 'current version' and 'bitness' (32bit or 64bit) of the application(s) to be migrated?
10. What is the age of the application to be migrated?
11. Please specify the name and contact info for the application(s) 'Owner/SME and/or Administrator' that we will be working with during the migration. 12. Does the ISV support the application on the new OS? 13. What determines success in this exercise? 14. What are the options for migration should this effort fail? 15. If application(s) to be moved is in a 'Production' or 'Development' environment. What is the overall 'criticality' or 'Business Impact' of the application(s) to be migrated in this exercise? 16. Please specify the approximate number of files (10s, 100s, 1000s, etc.) in the application(s) folder/ storage. 17. Please specify the approximate space occupied by the application(s) (GB /MB). 18. The contents of the source servers local 'Administrators' group will be replicated on the destination server unless stated otherwise here: 19. Please specify any local 'groups' and/or local 'users' that must be migrated along with these application(s) assets: 20. If known, please provide details about the application(s) specific components/dependencies and services on the source server. (including, if known: File-Shares, Scheduled Tasks, COM+, GAC, DCOM, MSMQ) 21. Please verify if any of the above listed/known objects are 16-bit? 22. Please verify if any of the services to be migrated require domain 'service accounts'? If 'yes', please verify if service account password(s) will be available for migration? 23. Does the application to be migrated leverage a local instance of IIS (i.e. IIS on the 'source' server)? 24. Please provide the security context of the user performing the migration (local admin vs. domain user - must be a member of the built-in 'Administrators' group on the source server). 25. Is application data on local storage? Is some of the data on the network? (including user data + main app footprint) 26. Does the local OS leverage any mount-points (i.e. Hard Disks mounted as folders instead of drives)? 27. Is the application encrypted? If yes, will you be able to provide certificates or keys required for the application. 28. Are windows file shares required for the use of the application? 29. Please specify whether the state of file store is 'compressed' or 'uncompressed'. 30. Please specify whether the state of file store is 'encrypted' or 'not-encrypted'. 31. Please specify any directories/folders or sub-folders that should be excluded from the migration. 32. Please confirm that the application services can be stopped prior to migration. Application Environment - Please expand all acronyms and provide as much information as possible 1. Is there a 'host-based firewall' (e.g. Windows Firewall) on the 'source' server? If yes, please provide any details/rules that are specific to the application(s) being migrated. 2. Please confirm that 'Port 445' will be open on, and between the 'source' and 'destination' servers for the duration of the migration exercise. 3. If IIS is to be migrated as a component of the 'migration', we require 'Port 80' to be opened. Please confirm that this port is open on, and between the 'source' and 'destination' servers prior to migration. 4. If IIS is to be migrated as a component of the 'migration', we require the installation of 'Microsoft Web Deploy 3.5" on the 'source' and 'destination' servers. Please verify that the customer has the appropriate approvals (i.e. change-control) in place to allow the installation of Web Deploy & reboot of the source OS prior to the 'migration' exercise. 5. If the application(s) being migrated require additional ports (e.g. MSSQL typically requires 'Port 1433') please confirm that all appropriate ports are open on, and between the 'source' and 'destination' servers. Destination Environment - Please expand all acronyms and provide as much information as possible 1. Please confirm that the 'destination' OS has the same number of 'disks' with the same 'drive letter' assignments as the 'source' server. 2. Please confirm that the 'destination' OS has adequate storage to accommodate multiple instances of the applications to be 'migrated' (i.e. enough space to accommodate the Virtual Application Appliance (VAA) along with a locally installed instance of the application(s) to be migrated). (e.g. if the total size of the applications to be migrated is X, then we would require a minimum 2X added to the C:\ partition on the 'destination' server). 3. Please confirm that the 'destination' OS is located on the same network as the Source OS (e.g. no Data-Center to Data-Center migrations) 4. Please confirm that the 'destination' OS will have a version of .NET equal or higher than the 'source' OS (note: .NET <2.0 is not supported) General Migration - Please expand all acronyms and provide as much information as possible 1. Please verify that credentials with 'local administrator' privileges will be provided and available for both the source and destination systems during 'Discovery' and 'Migration'. 2. Please verify that the resource conducting the migration (using AppZero) will be provided the above credentials, or have access to them for the duration of the 'Migration' exercise. 3. Please verify that any additional 'credentials' required for the completion of this migration will be made available as appropriate (for migration, exercising and testing of the application). (e.g. Service Accounts, Application Log-in, etc.) 4. Will the 'Migration' exercise be conducted on-site or remotely? 5. Please verify that the resource conducting the migration will have 'remote' or 'physical' access to the 'source' and 'destination' machine as required throughout the migration. 6. In the event of issue escalation to AppZero support, will the migration resource and AppZero support resources have the ability to leverage 'Citrix GoToMeeting'? 7. Please confirm that no antivirus / endpoint protection will be installed on destination system prior to migration. 8. Please confirm that 'read' and 'write' access for 'Remote Registry' services will be provided for the duration of the 'migration' exercise.