Gcp Notes
get the auth file and then:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/usr/home/user/.gcp/XXX-XXX.json"
whoami ?
gcloud auth list
gsutil version -l
The gsutil will show legacy boto files:
but in the same dir there is:
which you can put in the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var.
There a couple of env vars, it's not clear when to use which one. It's a bit all over the place. At this time GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS works in the most places I care about ( terraform )
I logical place to put your stuff.
Use this "bag" to put a billing unit.
In as much as you want to use label for billing, some charges can't be labels. Project partition that cost.
list your projects:
gcloud projects list
Not all project have billing accounts.
Types of storage, how to choose:
how do I like project and familiy for well known images for terraform builds?
gcloud compute images list --standard-images
OS Login
So you want to just ssh into the vm like you do everything else, you don't want to use
gcloud ssh login
or the "in browser" ssh client.
great , you want "OS Login"
lots of steps:
1. for the VM set the enable-oslogin meta data value to "TRUE"
in tf like this:
metadata = { enable-oslogin = "TRUE" }
2. give the user the correct roles:
Computer OS Login ( for vanilla , non-root access ) Compute OS Admin login ( for root access via sudo )
via command line this I think:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding project-ID --member \ serviceAccount:"velos-manager@project-ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com" \ --role "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" --no-user-output-enabled --quiet
How Tos
- single node NFS
- https://medium.com/google-cloud/gke-with-google-cloud-single-node-filer-nfs-4c4dc569964f
- Hashes and ETags
- Best Practices
- https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/hashes-etags