Temperature Sensor Setup LM35 take one
From Federal Burro of Information
k8055 connected to an lm35 with a1k resistor at 5v.
here's how I get the data into an rrd and graphed:
rrdtool create 1k_5v.rrd \ --start `date +%s` \ DS:speed:GAUGE:600:U:U \ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:24 \ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:10
new more robust rrd:
rrdtool create 1k_5v.rrd --step 300 \ DS:temp:GAUGE:600:0:256 \ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2592000 \ # Two months of 5 minute average data RRA:MIN:0.5:12:2400 \ # 100 days of 1 hour MAX data RRA:MAX:0.5:12:2400 \ # 100 days of 1 hour MIN data RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:2400 # 100 days of 1 hour AVERAGE data
drop this in a 5 minute while loop:
rrdtool update 1k_5v.rrd `date +%s`:`/usr/local/projects/k8055/src/k8055 -q -num:10 -delay:1000 2>/dev/null | cut -d ";" -f 3 | awk '{sum=sum+$1}END{print sum/NR}'`
rrdtool fetch 1k_5v.rrd AVERAGE --start `date --date='1 hour ago' +%s` --end `date +%s`
rrdtool graph 1k_5v.png \ --start `date --date='3 days ago' +%s` --end `date +%s` \ DEF:myavg=1k_5v.rrd:temp:AVERAGE \ LINE2:myavg#FF0000 \ DEF:mymin=1k_5v.rrd:temp:MIN \ LINE2:mymin#00FF00 \ DEF:mymax=1k_5v.rrd:temp:MAX \ LINE2:mymax#0000FF
and first prize for ugly mutt goes to (k8055 variable resistor at 5).....
after collecintg for a bit:
compared to system temp of server which is a loose aproximation of ambient local temperature ( the lm35 is sitting right beside the server's system temperature sensor.