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if match substr

my cells have unit in them... some MB , some KB, I want the mall to be a single unit so I can remove the uni and do math on it.

=IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("* MB",A1)),"dog","")


=LEFT(J3,LEN(J3)-(LEN(J3)-FIND(" ",J3)))

google sheets

Find match index

=INDEX(D3:D8,MATCH("Product 4",A3:A8,1),1)

Find the index of the A column that matches "Product 4", Give that to "INDEX" , get the cell in the range "D3:D8", at index pos of the previous match.

=SUMIF('RAW DATA'!A2:A, "A2:A = A2", 'RAW DATA'!B2:B)

Sum all the entries from B where the entries in A match A2.

Conditional formatting on more than one value

This is an example of a "custom format".

The IF() is implied in the custom format formula:


for =IF( A1 = "Paid" )

Becomes simply:

A1 = "Paid"

But what about "if this and that"?

AND ( A1 = "Paid" , B1 > 0 )

These are great ( google sheets )

