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* [[/Pivoting in sql]]
* [[/Pivoting in sql]]
* [[Postgres Notes]]
* [[Postgres Notes]]

Latest revision as of 16:17, 12 December 2018

Example of Time bucket

 from_unixtime(timestamp-timestamp%3600)as time,
 data like 'Destination directory %does not exist at%' and
 FROM_UNIXTIME(timestamp) > subdate(now(),interval 4 day)
group by timestamp-timestamp%3600
order by time;




SELECT datetime(1319017136629, 'unixepoch', 'localtime');

Date / Time

These all return dates and times.

Last day of this month:

SELECT date('now','start of month','+1 month','-1 day');

the first day of this monnth:

SELECT date('now','start of month');

first day of last month:

SELECT date('now','start of month','-1 month');

last day of last month:

SELECT date('now','start of month','-1 day');

get epoch:

select strftime( '%s' , "2012-09-30") ;

convert from epoch to date:

SELECT datetime( 1092941466 , 'unixepoch');

convert back and forth:

SELECT datetime( strftime( '%s' , "2012-09-30") , 'unixepoch');

X in Y

SELECT filename FROM source WHERE hash NOT IN (SELECT hash FROM destination);

Also see

transpose wide tables





multiple agregates


portion with values

given table:

id | started_at | completed_at
1  | 2018 01 01 | 2018 01 03
2  | 2018 01 02 | 
3  | 2018 01 03 | 2018 01 10
4  | 2018 01 04 | 2018 01 06
5  | 2018 01 05 | 
6  | 2018 01 06 | 2018 01 13

What percent were completed?

this give ints:

select count(g.id) , count(distinct g.completed_at ) from g;

cast and round:

select cast(
    cast( count(distinct g.completed_at) as decimal)
    cast( count(g.id)                    as decimal)
    as decimal ( 9,2 ) )
from g;

generate a sequence

select a.a as a, b.a as b , c.a as c ,
CAST(a.a AS INTEGER ) as aint,
CAST(b.a AS INTEGER ) as bint,
CAST(c.a AS INTEGER ) AS cint,
CAST(a.a AS INTEGER ) * 100 + CAST(b.a AS INTEGER ) * 10 + CAST(c.a AS INTEGER ) AS sum 
from       (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c ;

wow that's coplicated, we are postgres s lets try something simpler:

from generate_series(1, 100) as a(n), generate_series(1, 3)

reference: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23358333/how-can-i-generate-a-series-of-repeating-numbers-in-postgresql

See Also