Check snmp

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/Check snmp

Use this script to look for a value in an snmp table.

Suppose you have an snmp table called hardwarestatus that looks like this:


Index    name     status
1        cpu      good(1)
2        hdd1     good(1)
3        hdd2     good(1)
4        gpu      good(1)

Or if you did a walk you would see:

. = 1
. = 2
. = 3
. = 4
. = cpu
. = hdd1
. = hdd2
. = gpu
. = good(1)
. = good(1)
. = good(1)
. = good(1)

Now you want to monitor the temperature of the gpu. You figure the oid for the gpu is . So you whip up a nagios monitor that looks like this: -H myhost -c public -o . -r 1

But then a hdd is added and the table looks like this:

Index(1) name(2)  status(3)
1        cpu      good(1)
2        hdd1     good(1)
3        hdd2     good(1)
4        hdd3     good(1)
5        gpu      good(1)

Now your gpu is in snmp index 5 and you have to go and update all your nagios monitors, BLEH.

What if you could say: find the entry that is called "gpu" and check it's status?

That is

use it like this:

  • oid1 is the column you should grep for a value , in this case oid1 should be .1.2.2 (name)
  • string is "gpu"
  • oid2 is the column you will find your interesting value in. In this case oid2 should be .1.2.3 (status)
  • r the value to go green, in this case 1 ( good )

the nagios command would be:

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -comm public -H -oid1 .1.2.2 -string gpu -oid2 .1.2.3 -r 1

The result would be:

OK: 1

So now we don't care what snmp index the gpu shows up on, nagios will follow it around.

Here's an example I'm using to monitor an ipsec tunnel on the ASA.

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/ -comm XXX -H -oid1 . -string -oid2 . -r 1

no matter what index the "" endpoint shows up in, we will examine it's "status" field ( . )

Nagios Setup

in command.cfg

define command{
command_name    check_snmp_follow
command_line    $USER1$/ -comm $ARG1$ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -oid1 $ARG2$ -oid2 $ARG3$ -string $ARG4$ -r $ARG5$

in z-sms-bell-asa-fw.cfg

define service{
use                     generic-service
host_name               tor1-asa1
service_description     3-22-d-cikeTunStatus-UofG
check_command           check_snmp_follow!eeTo3Zoo!.!.!!1