Eve SQL of note/Denormalizing invTypeMaterials and ramTypeRequirements

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from: http://wiki.eve-id.net/Denormalizing_itm/rtr

also see: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1220024#30

CREATE TABLE materials (
 blueprintTypeID SMALLINT,	--	id of blueprint using this material
 activityID TINYINT UNSIGNED,	--	building, copying, etc
 requiredTypeID SMALLINT,	--	id of resource used for this activity
 quantity INT,	--	how many of this resource is used
 damagePerJob DOUBLE,	--	how much of the resource is expended
 baseMaterial INT,	--	how much is the base material.  0 means unaffected by waste, >=quantity means entirely affected
 PRIMARY KEY (blueprintTypeID, activityID, requiredTypeID)

from ramTypeRequirements :

INSERT INTO materials
 (blueprintTypeID, activityID, requiredTypeID, quantity, damagePerJob, baseMaterial)
 (rtr.quantity + IFNULL(itm.quantity, 0)),
FROM invBlueprintTypes AS b
 INNER JOIN ramTypeRequirements AS rtr
  ON rtr.typeID = b.blueprintTypeID
  AND rtr.activityID = 1 -- manufacturing
 LEFT OUTER JOIN invTypeMaterials AS itm
  ON itm.typeID = b.productTypeID
  AND itm.materialTypeID = rtr.requiredTypeID
WHERE rtr.quantity > 0;

from : invTypeMaterials

INSERT INTO materials
 (blueprintTypeID, activityID, requiredTypeID, quantity, damagePerJob, baseMaterial)
 1,                  -- manufacturing activityID
 itm.materialTypeID, -- requiredTypeID
  - IFNULL(sub.quantity * sub.recycledQuantity, 0)
 ),                  -- quantity
 1,                  -- damagePerJob
  - IFNULL(sub.quantity * sub.recycledQuantity, 0)
 )                   -- baseMaterial
FROM invBlueprintTypes AS b
 INNER JOIN invTypeMaterials AS itm
  ON itm.typeID = b.productTypeID
 LEFT OUTER JOIN materials m
  ON b.blueprintTypeID = m.blueprintTypeID
  AND m.requiredTypeID = itm.materialTypeID
  SELECT srtr.typeID AS blueprintTypeID,  -- tech 2 items recycle into their materials
   sitm.materialTypeID AS recycledTypeID, -- plus the t1 item's materials
   srtr.quantity AS recycledQuantity,
  FROM ramTypeRequirements AS srtr
   INNER JOIN invTypeMaterials AS sitm
    ON srtr.requiredTypeID = sitm.typeID
  WHERE srtr.recycle = 1 -- the recycle flag determines whether or not this requirement's materials are added
   AND srtr.activityID = 1
 ) AS sub
  ON sub.blueprintTypeID = b.blueprintTypeID
  AND sub.recycledTypeID = itm.materialTypeID
WHERE m.blueprintTypeID IS NULL -- partially waste-affected materials already added
 AND (itm.quantity - IFNULL(sub.quantity * sub.recycledQuantity, 0) ) > 0; -- ignore negative quantities