Ovftool Notes/manual
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Usage: ovftool [options] <source> [<target>] where <source>: Source URL locator to an OVF package, VMX file, or virtual machine in vCenter or on ESX Server. <target>: Target URL locator which specifies either a file location, or a location in the vCenter inventory or on an ESX Server. If <target> is not specified, information about the source is displayed to the console. Options: --acceptAllEulas : Accept all end-user licenses agreements without being prompted. --allowAllExtraConfig : Whether we allow all the ExtraConfig options. These options are a security risk as they control low-level and potential unsafe options on the VM. --allowExtraConfig : Whether we allow ExtraConfig options in white list. These options are safe as we have a white list to filter out the low-level and potential unsafe options on the VM. --annotation : Add annotation to vi, vmx, vapprun, vCloud, OVF, and OVA source locators --authdPortSource : Use this to override default vmware authd port (902) when using a host as source. --authdPortTarget : Use this to override default vmware authd port (902) when using a host as target. --chunkSize : Specifies the chunk size to use for files in a generated OVF package. The default is not to chunk. The chunk size without unit is assumed to be in megabytes. Accepted units are b, kb, mb, gb; e.g., 2gb or 100kb. --compress : Compress the disks in an OVF package. Value must be between 1 and 9. 1 is the fastest, but gives the worst compression, whereas 9 is the slowest, but gives the best compression. --computerName : Sets the computer name in the guest for a VM using the syntax --computerName:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer. --coresPerSocket : Specifies the distribution of the total number of CPUs over a number of virtual sockets using the syntax --coresPerSocket:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer. -ds/--datastore : Target datastore name for a VI locator. --decodeBase64 : Decode option values with Base64. --defaultStorageProfile : The storage profile for all VMs in the OVF package. The value should be an SPBM profile ID. Only applies to VI targets version 5.5 or newer. --deploymentOption : Selects what deployment option to use (if the source OVF package supports multiple options.) --disableVerification : Skip validation of signature and certificate. -dm/--diskMode : Select target disk format. Supported formats are: monolithicSparse, monolithicFlat, twoGbMaxExtentSparse, twoGbMaxExtentFlat, seSparse (VI target), eagerZeroedThick (VI target), thin (VI target), thick (VI target), sparse, and flat --diskSize : Sets the size of a VM disk in megabytes using the syntax --diskSize:<VM ID>,<disk instance ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer. --eula : EULA to be inserted in the first virtual system or virtual system collection in the OVF. If the EULA is in a file, use the option --eula@=filename instead. --exportDeviceSubtypes : Enables export of resource subtype for CD/Floppy/Parallel/Serial devices. This can limit portability as not all device backings are supported on all hypervisors. The default is false. --exportFlags : Specifies one or more export flags to control what gets exported. The supported values for VI sources are mac, uuid, and extraconfig. Supported value for vCloud sources are preserveIdentity. One or more options can be provided, separated by commas. --extraConfig : Sets an ExtraConfig element for all VirtualHardwareSections. The syntax is --extraConfig:<key>=<value>. Applies to vi, vmx, vapprun, vCloud, ovf, and ova source locators. --fencedMode : If a parent network exists on the vCloud target, this property specifies the connectivity to the parent. Possible values are bridged, isolated, and natRouted. -h /--help : Prints this message. --hideEula : In OVF probe mode, hides the EULA. --ipAllocationPolicy : IP allocation policy for a deployed OVF package.Supported values are: dhcpPolicy, transientPolicy, fixedPolicy, fixedAllocatedPolicy. --ipProtocol : Select what IP protocol to use (IPv4, IPv6). --lax : Relax OVF specification conformance and virtual hardware compliance checks. Use only if you know what you are doing. --locale : Selects locale for target. --machineOutput : Output OVF Tool messages in a machine friendly manner. --makeDeltaDisks : Build delta disk hierarchy from the given source locator. --maxVirtualHardwareVersion : The maximal virtual hardware version to generate. --memorySize : Sets the memory size in megabytes of a VM using the syntax --memorySize:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer. -n /--name : Specifies target name (defaults to source name). --net : Set a network assignment in the deployed OVF package. A network assignment is set using the syntax --net:<OVF name>=<target name>. If the target is vCloud 5.5 or newer, a fence mode can also be specified using the syntax --net:<OVF name>=<target name>,<fence mode>. Possible fence mode values are: bridged, isolated, and natRouted. -nw/--network : Target network for a VI deployment. --nic : Specifies NIC configuration in a VM using the syntax --nic:<VM ID>,<index>=<OVF net name>,<isPrimary>,<ipAddressingMode>,<ipAddress>. Possible values for ipAddressingMode are: DHCP, POOL, MANUAL, and NONE. ipAddress is optional and should only be used when ipAddressingMode is set to MANUAL. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer. --noDisks : Disable disk conversion. --noImageFiles : Do not include image files in destination. --noSSLVerify : Skip SSL verification for VI connections. --numberOfCpus : Sets the number of CPUs for a VM using the syntax --numberOfCpus:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer. -o /--overwrite : Force overwrites of existing files. --powerOffSource : Ensures a VM/vApp is powered off before importing from a VI source. --powerOffTarget : Ensures a VM/vApp is powered off before overwriting a VI target. --powerOn : Powers on a VM/vApp deployed on a VI target. --privateKey : Sign OVF package with the given private key (.pem file). The file must contain a private key and a certificate. --privateKeyPassword : Password for the private key. Should be used in conjunction with privateKey if the private key requires password authentication. If required and not specified, the tool will prompt for the password. --prop : Set a property in the deployed OVF package. A property is set using the syntax --prop:<key>=<value>. --proxy : Proxy used for HTTP[S] access. --proxyNTLMAuth : Enable NTLM authentication for proxy. -q /--quiet : No output to screen except errors. --schemaValidate : Validate OVF descriptor against OVF schema. --shaAlgorithm : Select sha digest algorithm when creating OVF package. Supported values are sha1 and sha256. Default value is sha1. --skipManifestCheck : Skip validation of OVF package manifest. --skipManifestGeneration : Skip generation of OVF package manifest. --sourcePEM : File path to PEM formatted file used to verify VI connections. --sourceSSLThumbprint : SSL fingerprint of SOURCE. OVF Tool verifies the SSL fingerprint it gets from SOURCE if the value is set. -st/--sourceType : Explicitly express that source is OVF, OVA, VMX, VI, vCloud, ISO, FLP, vApprun --storageProfile : Sets the storage profile for a VM using the syntax --storageProfile:<VM ID>=<value>. Only applies to vCloud targets version 5.5 or newer. --targetPEM : File path to PEM formatted file used to verify VI connections. --targetSSLThumbprint : SSL fingerprint of TARGET. OVF Tool verifies the SSL fingerprint it gets from TARGET if the value is set. -tt/--targetType : Explicitly express that target is OVF, OVA, VMX, VI, vCloud, ISO, FLP, vApprun --vCloudTemplate : Create only a vApp template. Default value is false --vService : Set a vService assignment in the deployed OVF package. A vService assignment is set using the syntax --vService:<dependencyId>=<providerId>. --verifyOnly : Do not upload the source but only verify it against the target host. Applies to VI 4 targets only. -v /--version : Prints the version of this tool. --viCpuResource : Specify the CPU resource settings for VI-locator targets. The syntax is --viCpuResource=<shares>:<reservation>:<limit>. --viMemoryResource : Specify the CPU resource settings for VI-locator targets. The syntax is --viMemoryResource=<shares>:<reservation>:<limit>. -vf/--vmFolder : Target VM folder in VI inventory (relative to datacenter). For more help, type: --help <topic>, where topics are: locators : For detailed source and destination locator syntax examples : For examples of use config : For syntax of configuration files debug : For debug purpose integration : For a list of options primarily used when ovftool is exec'ed from another tool or shellscript.