Ptp Docs

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Usage:  ptpv2d [OPTION]

Ptpv2d runs on UDP/IP , E2E mode by default

-H                show detailed help page

Mode selection (one option is always required):
-g                run as slave only
-G                run as a Master _with_ NTP  (implies -t -L)
-W                run as a Master _without_ NTP (reverts to client when inactive)
-b NAME           bind PTP to network interface NAME

-c                run in command line (non-daemon) mode (implies -D)
-C                verbose non-daemon mode: implies -c -S -D -V 0, disables -f
-f FILE           send output to FILE (implies -D)
-S                DON'T send messages to syslog

-T NUMBER         set multicast time to live
-d                display stats (per received packet, see also -V)
-D                display stats in .csv format (per received packet, see also -V)
-P                display each received packet in detail
-R FILE           record data about sync packets in a seperate file

-x                do not reset the clock if off by more than one second
-O NUMBER         do not reset the clock if offset is more than NUMBER nanoseconds
-t                do not make any changes to the system clock
-M NUMBER         do not accept delay values of more than NUMBER nanoseconds
-a 10,1000        specify clock servo Proportional and Integral attenuations
-w NUMBER         specify one way delay filter stiffness

-u ADDRESS        Unicast mode: send all messages in unicast to ADDRESS
-U                Hybrid  mode: send DELAY messages in unicast
                    This causes all delayReq messages to be sent in unicast to the
                    IP address of the Master (taken from the last announce received).
                    For masters, it replyes the delayResp to the IP address of the client
                    (from the corresponding delayReq message).
                    All other messages are send in multicast

-e                run in ethernet mode (level2)
-h                run in End to End mode
-z                run in Peer-delay mode
-l NUMBER,NUMBER  specify inbound, outbound latency in nsec.
                    (Use this to compensate the time it takes to send and recv
                    messages via sockets)

-o NUMBER         specify current UTC offset
-i NUMBER         specify PTP domain number (between 0-3)
-I NUMBER         specify Mcast group (between 0-3, emulates PTPv1 group selection)

-n NUMBER         specify announce interval in 2^NUMBER sec
-N NUMBER         specify announce receipt TO (number of lost announces to timeout)
-y NUMBER         specify sync interval in 2^NUMBER sec
-m NUMBER         specify max number of foreign master records

-v NUMBER         Master mode: specify system clock Allen variance
-r NUMBER         Master mode: specify system clock accuracy
-s NUMBER         Master mode: specify system clock class
-p NUMBER         Master mode: specify priority1 attribute
-q NUMBER         Master mode: specify priority2 attribute

-Y 0[,0]          Initial and Master_Overide delayreq intervals
                     desc: the first 2^ number is the rate the slave sends delayReq
                     When the first answer is received, the master value is used (unless the
                     second number was also given)

-B                Enable debug messages (if compiled-in). Multiple invocations to more debug

Compatibility Options (to restore previous default behaviour):
-j                Do not refresh the IGMP Multicast menbership at each protol reset
-L                Allow multiple instances (ignore lock and other daemons)
-V 0              Seconds between log messages (0: all messages)

Possible internal states:
  init:        INITIALIZING
  flt:         FAULTY
  lstn_init:   LISTENING (first time)
  lstn_reset:  LISTENING (non first time)
  pass:        INACTIVE Master
  uncl:        UNCALIBRATED
  slv:         SLAVE
  pmst:        PRE Master
  mst:         ACTIVE Master
  dsbl:        DISABLED
  ?:           UNKNOWN state

Signals synchronous behaviour:
  SIGHUP         Re-open statistics log (specified with -f)
  SIGUSR1        Manually step clock to current OFM value (overides -x, but honors -t)
  SIGUSR2        swap domain between current and current + 1 (useful for testing)
  SIGUSR2        cycle run-time debug level (requires RUNTIME_DEBUG)

  SIGINT|TERM    close file, remove lock file, and clean exit
  SIGKILL|STOP   force an unclean exit

BMC Algorithm defaults:
  Software:   P1(128) > Class(13|248) > Accuracy("unk"/0xFE)   > Variance(61536) > P2(128)