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Ubnt Nanostation 5 loco Notes

Device data sheet:

After reading I'm going to try and get this installed and running: ( which file(s) do I choose? )

openwrt install instructions:

nanostation specific install instructions:

The file I want from above is: openwrt-atheros-ubnt5-squashfs.bin

one of the reqs for instaling openwrt is a copy of the nanostation firmware. get that from here

FWIW I have AirOS 3.3.2 installed. Latest is 3.6.1.

Wow that was easy. (compared to the wrt54g v6 dd-wrt flash processes.)

System: Atheros AR2313
Processor: MIPS 4Kc V0.10
Memory: 12.83 MB (33% cached, 8% buffered, 9% free)

Setup notes

  1. created a wifi interface.
  2. created a firewall zone
  3. setup accpet accpet accept for lan /and wifi nets in firewall
  4. allowed forwarding between those nets
  5. put my own dns server in the /etc/resolv.conf
  6. put options in dnsmaq.conf dns and router

See Also
